Predictive Maintenance Part I: Introduction


This is a recreation of a case study done by Victoria Catterson on using the programming language R. It caught my attention since it involves a form of machine learning that can be used for predictive maintenance which I have been interested in lately. She already provides the code in R so to force myself to learn more from it I decided to recreate the case study using Python. This introduction is largely given by her on the link provided above with some minor changes.

The data used is from the Prognostic Data Repository hosted by NASA, and specifically the bearing dataset from University of Cincinnati. The data was gathered from an experiment studying four bearings installed on a loaded rotating shaft, with a constant speed of 2,000rpm. With the following test setup (Qiu et al):

In the course of this experiment, some of the bearings broke down. Victoria Catterson decided to look at the data in detail, to see if she could identify early indicators of failure.

What are bearings?

A basic understanding of the data you are trying to analyse is always necesary to prevent you from making elementary mistakes. This case is no different. As is usually the case with data science a broad knowledge of all fields comes in handy. However let’s continue with what bearings are, in the words of Victoria:

Bearings are key components of all types of rotating machinery, from simple desk fans to nuclear power station turbines. Anything with a motor or generator rotates a shaft, and the health of the bearings determines how smoothly and efficiently that shaft rotates. Poor lubrication of the bearing will generate extra friction, which reduces efficiency and can also damage the bearing or shaft. In the worst cases, the bearing can scuff or crack, and metal particles break free to hit and damage other parts of the machine

There are also different types of bearings which influence their service life, for example there are ‘fluid and magnetic bearings’ that have been in continuous service since 1900 and have no signs of wear. Those would be no fun to investigate however! The bearings in this case are ‘Rolling element bearings’, whose service life is largely determined by load, temperature, maintenance, lubrication and other factors. Fault detection is mainly done through the measurement of vibration, the natural frequencies of a rolling element bearing is around 3 kHz. To measure this vibration a range-accelorometer is placed on the equipment. For the Qiu, et al. experiment there were two such accelerometers per bearings measuring the x and y axes.

Data Composition

Now we are somewhat familiar with what a bearing is and how they measured them. It is important to do a cursory inspection of your data before loading it so you know what to expect and efficiently go through it. The downloaded dataset contains a PDF detailing the experiment and data format. Extracting all of the files gives you three directories containing files. The 1st_test directory contains 2,156 files. These files are named according to timestamp and contain an 8 x 20,480 matrix of tab-seperated vaules. These columns correspond to the 2 accelerometers and the rows are the 20kHz samples from 1 second of operation. Now at this point Victoria mentions a key point that I would have missed until it would have showed up in plotting:

“If the sampling rate is 20kHz and each file contains 1 second of data, there should be 20,000 rows of data. Since there are 20,480, one of these pieces of information about the data is wrong. Is it the sampling rate or the time period?”

If the sampling rate is different from 20kHz to say 20.48kHz that would be a significant error for high frequency data. However if the time period of the samping is 1.024s it would explain it being rounded down to 1 second. Checking data consistency is important, this prevents misunderstandings and invalid results in the future.

Importing the data

Now that we took a proper look at what the data is that we have we want to load it. I choose to use the ‘pandas’ package in Python which allows me to create dataframes similar to the way you create a matrix in R. Another package which always comes in handy is ‘matplotlib’ for basic plotting functionality. Lets start with a single file and prepare it accordingly before loading the other 2,155 files.

In [45]:
# Importing pandas and other packages
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
%matplotlib inline

basedir = 'D:/Databoers/data/bearings/1st_test/'
test_file = '2003.'

# The basedir contains tab seperated files
data = pd.read_csv(basedir+test_file, sep='\t', header=None)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 -0.022 -0.039 -0.183 -0.054 -0.105 -0.134 -0.129 -0.142
1 -0.105 -0.017 -0.164 -0.183 -0.049 0.029 -0.115 -0.122
2 -0.183 -0.098 -0.195 -0.125 -0.005 -0.007 -0.171 -0.071
3 -0.178 -0.161 -0.159 -0.178 -0.100 -0.115 -0.112 -0.078
4 -0.208 -0.129 -0.261 -0.098 -0.151 -0.205 -0.063 -0.066

The data was loaded succesfully, now we can change the header information to me more informative.

In [2]:
data.columns = ['b1_x', 'b1_y', 'b2_x', 'b2_y', 'b3_x', 'b3_y', 'b4_x', 'b4_y']
b1_x b1_y b2_x b2_y b3_x b3_y b4_x b4_y
0 -0.022 -0.039 -0.183 -0.054 -0.105 -0.134 -0.129 -0.142
1 -0.105 -0.017 -0.164 -0.183 -0.049 0.029 -0.115 -0.122
2 -0.183 -0.098 -0.195 -0.125 -0.005 -0.007 -0.171 -0.071
3 -0.178 -0.161 -0.159 -0.178 -0.100 -0.115 -0.112 -0.078
4 -0.208 -0.129 -0.261 -0.098 -0.151 -0.205 -0.063 -0.066

Initial analysis

Now that we have a first look at the data we can start analysing to see what we can find out. Are there any obvious outliers? What aspects need cleaning? Do we store it in seperate files or one big dataframe?

To start we are just going to get a summary of the data and make a plot out of this. Then we see if we can make any meaningful observations.

In [3]:
count    20480.000000
mean        -0.094593
std          0.081124
min         -0.720000
25%         -0.146000
50%         -0.095000
75%         -0.042000
max          0.388000
Name: b1_x, dtype: float64
In [4]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1dc2d8c4c88>


So looking at the above plot and summary of the x axis for the 1st bearing we can make some observations. A visual inspection of the plot shows that the largest amount of variation is centered below 0, the mean being -.09 supports that. The vibrations are mainly centered between 0 and 0.2, there are some noticable outliers. The max and min values are 0.388 and -0.720 which are not orders of magnitude different from the rest of the measurements, which suggests they are true measurements. The other columns show similar patterns.

However each of these plots only shows a snapshot of a second for each of the bearings. To do a full analysis we need to take into account all of the measurements. And we are not going to go through thousands of plots by hand. So instead of that we need to find another way to analyze the data.

Feature Extraction

So we currently have 2,156 files with 20,480 datapoints. So roughly 44 million datapoints, it is feasible to do computation with this using appropriate algorithms and cpu time. However we are going to extract some features to reduce the dimensionality of the data. A risk here is that by removing features we lose valuable information about the actual data.

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

A popular technique for studying mechanical components such as bearings is Vibration Analysis (VA). It can be effectively used to detect faults in rotating equipment to find rolling element bearing faults. VA uses units of Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration displayed as Time Waveforms. To use these we can transform them into a spectrum using a Fast Fourier Transform of these Time Waveforms. The Python package ‘numpy‘ can be used for scientific computing, including the numpy.fft() function to perform a Fast Fourier Transform. Additionally we perform some steps to make the format more managable to plot. To plot the following I decided to use the ‘plotly’ package which is very nice to generate interactive plots.

In [9]:
# First we take the absolutes of the fast fourier transform
amplitude = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(data['b1_x']))

# Now we ignore the 2nd half of the transform as being complex conjugates of the 1st half
amplitude = amplitude[0:(int(len(amplitude)/2))]

#Calculate frequencies
frequency = numpy.linspace(0,10000, len(amplitude))

trace = go.Scatter(x = frequency, y = amplitude)
data = [trace]
layout = go.Layout(title="Frequency vs Amplitude after FFT",
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)


The most noticable spikes seem to be on the lower frequencies. There is some activity around 4kHz and 8kHz as well. But lets zoom in on the lower frequencies first.

In [14]:
layout = go.Layout(title="Frequency vs Amplitude after FFT",
                  xaxis=dict(title='Frequency', range=[0,1100]),
                  yaxis=dict(title='Amplitude', range=[0,500]))
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)


Other than the dc term (at 0Hz), the tallest spikes are just below 1kHz. There is also a large spike just below 500Hz, and two around 50Hz. The interactive plot enables us to check what frequencies the outliers are on. However we might want to put all of this in a table for easier viewing:

In [44]:
top_outliers = sorted(zip(amplitude, frequency), reverse=True)[:10]
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(top_outliers)
df.columns = ['Amplitude', 'Frequency']

df = df.transpose()
df.columns = [i+1 for i in range(10)]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Amplitude 1937.262 568.025449 181.099925 125.348528 102.899711 95.688706 78.623396 65.746995 63.723709 63.313016
Frequency 0.000 986.424456 993.261061 493.212228 979.587850 994.237719 969.821272 971.774587 57.622815 978.611192

The previously mentioned outliers appear to be on 49.8Hz, 57.6Hz, and 493Hz. Interestingly, the second and fourth largest components have a harmonic relationship (493Hz * 2 = 986Hz), which strongly suggests they are linked. It would be worth looking the frequencies of the largest five components as displayed here (exluding the 0Hz dc term measurement). Since each bearing has an x and y axis, this means there will be 10 features total. However this concludes our introduction, we will continue this investigation in the next post.

Next Steps

  • Feature Selection
  • Processing all files
  • Standardizing functions

These steps will require us to convert all the files into 4 files, one for each bearing. This means we will have 4 files each having 2,156 rows (one for each file) with the timestamp being the first column and the key features extracted following this calculated from the measurements at that time.

Until next time!

Thoughts on Data Science

Hello, for my first post I’d like to start with sharing my thoughts on several fields I am currently active in and where I think they are headed.

Data Intelligence:

An oft-repeated phrase recently has been ‘Data is the new oil’. And through companies utilizing their data efficiently we can see how true this statement is. The meteoric rises of companies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter can be attributed to their smart usage of data. Not only do they have a huge userbase but they store and analyze all this data in innovative ways to provide additional value. Currently it is mainly startups that are fast and flexible that fully utilize data-driven business due to there not being many large enterprise ready Data Science solutions. As large companies start to embrace the value of their data it will become increasingly important to have people that understand this data. Not specialists in their specific field but broad-minded people that understand the scope of a company and what a deep drill-down of the data means to the larger perspective of the company. Similar to the incredible technological revolution we find ourselves in the midst of we are still at the start of an incredibly large and profitable market segment.

Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Language:

The usage of text analytics has been slow to be fully adapted the past years by companies. However, the exponential increase of this source of unstructured data is hard to ignore. More and more companies are realizing they need to utilize this source of information to stay competitive. I expect an exponential increase in this domain in the coming years as not only companies are realizing their worth but also customers realizing they have a voice that can be listened to, in the form of product reviews, blog posts, opinion pieces. Furthermore, large companies have vast stores of project documents, legal documents and e-mails waiting to be mined for valuable information, why reinvent the wheel when the answers are already available? We are still at the start of the curve, which enables companies stepping in right now to be  trailblazers in this domain.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning:

Analyzing data is an incredible source of information often giving a competitive edge to a company. Predictive Maintenance can tell you parts of machinery to be replaced in a factory before it breaks. Recommendation Engines can provide you with interesting movies to watch, music you might like or products to buy. Beyond that, in our current world there are so many menial tasks being performed that are just slightly too complex for a computer to handle. Utilizing machine learning and especially deep learning it will become possible to alleviate and automate a lot of these tasks. Doctors can become better doctors by providing them shortlists of potential disease prognosis for patients, increase accuracy during difficult surgeries or provide automated responses for basic healthcare questions. Cars can drive themselves. Police can be directed to crime-scenes while or before they happen. These all sound futuristic, but they are all currently in effect or being developed using Deep Learning. Wide-spread utilization of these techniques will mean large companies need individuals that understand and can implement these techniques for a competitive advantage.

Data Engineering & Enterprise Data Integration

At the base of all these techniques however is the ability to access the data you want to utilize. It sounds grand to just apply any old machine learning technique to your data and have it roll out a result. However in the real world that’s not how it works. For textual information alone there are dozens of different ways to store this information, as a word-file, PowerPoint, excel, pdf, websites, e-mails, data warehouses, elastic. Each of these requires a different method of extraction for the valuable information. A data engineer provides this expertise, the end goal is to be able to use all this data equally, enriching the whole and providing a solid base for the data science to be done. All the above mentioned domains are however growing so fast that a Data Scientist in the future will be required to have similar knowledge to the Data Engineer. It becomes increasingly hard to say something meaningful about the data if you do not understand how it is built up and constructed. For the future I feel the lines between these domains will be increasingly blurred. The exponential increase in data also means that conventional storing techniques such as data-warehouses will no longer be sufficient. New scalable approaches will have to be implemented that are capable not only of utilizing the old traditional data but also the increasing volume of unstructured data ready to be mined.